UZH > Physik-Institut > Group of Prof.Dr.Ben Kilminster > DAMIC


The Physics Institute of University of Zurich is currently involved in the analysis of data collected from DAMIC-100 in SNOLab and the construction and qualification of DAMIC-M which is to be installed in Modane.

(Under Development)DAMIC is a direct search for DM using CCDs. The extremely low electronic readout noise on the CCDs allow us to set a very low ( less than 100ev)for DM detection. This low threshold is necessary when searching for a low mass DM particle, or other type of particles with interactions that produce only a small energy deposition on the detectors. For this experiment we are using 250 microns thick CCDs, that are fabricated in high resistivity silicon and can be fully depleted a low voltages (same CCDs used by the DECam imager).

(Under Development) This project is possible at Fermilab thanks to the expertise developed with these detectors for DECam, and the collaboration with groups doing other DM searches in the lab.
